„Mit sonderbaren Privilegien gnedigst begabt.“ Ein biografischer Vergleich von zwei „Hofjuden“ des 16. Jahrhunderts
Zeitgeschichte, Neuzeit, Hofjuden, Innsbruck, Prag, BachelorarbeitAbstract
“Mit sonderbaren Privilegien gnedigst begabt.” A biographical Comparison of two “Court Jews” from the 16th Century
The following bachelor thesis examines the lives of two “Court Jews” living in Habsburg territories during the 16th century. Beginning with the contextualization of the available biographical data, this study aims for the partial reconstruction of the biography of both persons and compares significant events related to the occupation as “Court Jews”. Although personal data is only rarely traceable, the lives of both persons can be largely reconstructed and, in the context of their special position as “Court Jews”, can give an account of the benefits and risks such a status entailed.
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