Das Goldene Dachl als Tiroler Erinnerungsort
Seminararbeit, Österreich, Neuzeit, Erinnerungskultur, InnsbruckAbstract
The Golden Roof as a Tyrolean lieu de mémoire
The seminar-paper considers to what extent the “Golden Roof” in Innsbruck could be seen as a lieu de mémoire of Tyrolean history, as defined by French historian Pierre Nora. It will primarily examine what circumstances turned this famous landmark into such a place of memory. The history of the building and its symbolism are considered. As will be shown, three primary aspects turned the “Golden Roof” into a lieu de mémoire: its importance as a landmark, its place in the media and remembrance policy of emperor Maximilian I, as well as its connection with the history of mining in Tyrol.
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