Trostbriefe eines mittelalterlichen Herrschers Beileidsbekundungen aus der Innsbrucker Briefsammlung Kaiser Friedrichs II. (und seines Sohnes Konrad IV.) an Angehörige von Verstorbenen
Mittelalter, Seminararbeit, Friedrich II., Konrad IV.Abstract
Letters of Consolation from a Medieval Monarch Expressions of Condolences from the Innsbruck Letter Collection of Emperor Frederick II (and His Son Conrad IV) to the Relatives of the Deceased
Medieval rulers and noblemen faced constant warfare and death, reflected in chroniclers’ reports. War served to legitimize rule and intertwined with the emotional processing of death. This article examines how Emperor Frederick II and his son Conrad IV in the 13th century expressed sympathy for the deceased. Utilizing letters from Frederick’s collection at Innsbruck University Library, the study reveals consolation themes such as honourable death and martyrdom, alongside social, literary, and theological notions prevalent during the era.
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