Ein Blick in Hossers Küche. Analyse der Rechnungslegung des Küchenmeisters Jakob Hosser über die bei der Belagerung der Burg Weineck (1292) aufgewendeten Lebensmittel
A look into Hosser's kitchen. Analysis of chef Jakob Hosser's accounts on food used during the siege of Weineck Castle (1292)
The following seminar paper examines the catering of Otto von Königsberg's troops at the siege of Weineck Castle in 1292. Firstly, the dispute between Meinhard II. and the Bishops of Trient as well as older Tyrolean accounting books are discussed. Then, the primary sources – Hosser’s accounts – are analyzed. It will be shown that Hosser’s records allow interesting conclusions on the diet of the siege troops and the chef's purchasing of goods. The analysis shows among other things that the food supply was highly differentiated, consisted largely of animal products and was subject to certain fluctuations.
Lobende Erwähnung von historia.scribere 13 (gesponsert von der Philosophisch-Historischen Fakultät)
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