„Game of Kompetenzen“? Eine Analyse der Einsatzmöglichkeiten von „Game of Thrones“ im kompetenzorientierten Unterricht in Geschichte, Sozialkunde & Politische Bildung
“Game of Competences?” An analysis of possible uses of “Game of Thrones” in competence-orientated history lessons
This paper assesses whether the popular TV series “Game of Thrones” can be used for teaching (medieval) history in schools. Based on the Austrian history curriculum, it can be said that these representations of an imagined medieval past are a valid and important tool for teaching medieval history as well as for developing certain skills and competences needed to critically analyse and deconstruct representations of the past. This paper analyses various aspects of “Game of Thrones” (such as ethnic diversity, gender, Eurocentrism, etc.) and describes their potential for a didactic approach in history lessons. Additionally, the possibilities of using “Game of Thrones” for a general approach to analysing and teaching the politics of medievalism in the history classroom are discussed.
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